Legends of the Fall

Man Booker longlist nominee Donal Ryan reads from his short story ‘Losers Weepers’

Donal Ryan, Man Booker longlisted for his novel The Spinning Heart, is the author of the second in our short story series Legends of the Fall. Here he reads an excerpt from Losers Weepers, his take on the economic crash. Read the full short story in Saturday’s print edition of The Irish Times.

As part of our Legends of the Fall series, readers are invited to submit a piece of original short fiction of between 1,500 and 3,000 words inspired by the events of the last five years in Ireland.

For more details see irishtimes.com/legendsofthefall

As part of the Legends of the Fall series for The Irish Times, long-listed Booker nominee Donal Ryan reads an exclusive extract from his contribution to the series.