Check out this short film @RTEplayer adapted from Kevin Barry's short story Breakfast Wine - dir by Ian FitzGibbon
— The Stinging Fly (@stingingfly) November 25, 2014
Our independent picks for #Christmas 2014 are now up online : - and available to buy in both shops!
— Gutter Bookshop (@gutterbookshop) November 25, 2014

Audio available on Soundcloud of Clive James in conversation with @sineadgleeson at home in Cambridge.
— The RTE Book Show (@BookShowRTE) November 23, 2014
Reason No. 756 not to trust Amazon. This is where you can buy your "Certified Buyer" reviews from. 5 for $95.
— mark haddon (@mark_haddon) November 23, 2014
It’s decision time as the selection panel for the Laureate for Irish Fiction gather to make their choice!
— LaureateIrishFiction (@LaureateFiction) November 21, 2014
Road trip to @AllinghamArts in Donegal with Donal Ryan. Paying respects to WB at Drumcliffe. Drunkards pass by...
— Paul Lynch (@paullynchwriter) November 8, 2014
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