Follow Sarah Gilmartin on Twitter at <a href="" onclick=", '', 'resizable=no,status=no,location=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,fullscreen=no,scrollbars=no,dependent=no'); return false;">@pandapolitics</a>
Harper Collins Announce an All Star Irish Line Up in Support of Roddy Doyle's Fighting Words - <a href="">#BeyondtheStars</a> - <a href=""></a>
To kick off National Poetry Month, here's a fantastic short story by Paul Theroux: "Poetry Lessons." <a href=""></a>
We have just heard that there are portraits of Irish Writers on show at Gallery No. 6 on Anne Street..<a href=""></a>

Ted Hughes making a Waste Land joke to T.S. Eliot, 1959. (Bet every letter to Eliot in April had the same P.S.) <a href=""></a>
Surgical tips for writing: <a href=""></a>
Those of you who've been claiming you haven't read The Luminaries because it's so heavy... the paperback is out today! <a href="">#noexcuses</a>
Wow! Amazing book deal for Irish debut author Jax Miller - also well done to <a href="">@inkwellHQ</a> <a href="">@simontrewin</a> ! <a href=""></a>
Oscar Wilde's last words were"My wallpaper and I are fighting a duel to the death. One or other of us has got to go." <a href=""></a>
THE ACCIDENT, by Chris Pavone: if you like real nail-biters, this is the best one so far this year.
I was told not to operate machinery today. But here I am, on a computer.