My first and last World Cup tweet: STOPPLEASEMYEYESAARGH
The reason I put out-of-the-ordinary names on characters is because the John Smiths of the literary world make me sick. ANNIE PROULX
At this moment, for one Myles na Gopaleen column on the Garth Brooks Affair, I'd swap all of Flann O'Brien's novels.

Pictured: <a href="">@SeanRocksARENA</a> of <a href="">@RTEArena</a> with Jeremy Paxman at the <a href="">#HayFestivalKells</a> last weekend. <a href=""></a>
Unexpected treasure. Tomi Ungerer sent me some books. The actual Tomi Ungerer. <a href=""></a>
'The novel's not dead, it just smells funny', says Banville in reply to Parks, though not in exactly those words. <a href=""></a>
Emily Dickinson Attends a Writing Workshop <a href=""></a> <a href="">#writerslife</a> <a href=""></a>
Stephen King's Top 20 Rules for Writers <a href=""></a> via <a href="">@openculture</a>
Good luck to the <a href="">@FilmFleadh</a> team as the 26th Film Fleadh begins today.. Great artwork at Spanish Arch <a href="">#Galway</a> <a href=""></a>