Podcast: the Book Club meets Mary Costello, author of Academy Street

This month we've been reading Mary Costello's debut novel Academy Street, so invited her into studio to meet some book club readers and discuss her book

Our latest book club title is Academy Street by Mary Costello, published by Canongate.

In this edition of the Book Club podcast the author meets two readers who haven't read her work before and who get to discuss the book in detail with her and find out where her characters and settigns come from.

They were very interested to discover just how much of it came from her own family history and how much sprang from her imagination.

Mary Costello (centre) meets The Irish Times Book Club in the Palace Bar in Dublin - From left: Gary Quinn, Dominique McMullan, Lorcan Collins and Orna Mulcahy

This edition of the show is presented by Gary Quinn. Sound by JJ Vernon