Théis na Réabhlóide
cuireadh fiacha fola
ar gach mac tíre
Gan le déanamh
ach a cheann a stolladh
théis na Réabhlóide
Fiche nó níos daoire
ar choileán tollta
gach mac tíre
ar ainmhí fásta
daichead punt bronnta
théis na Réabhlóide
Caoga an luach
má bhí sí ag súil
gach iníon tíre
Céad caoga an duais
ar mharfóir daonna
i gcló mhic tíre
théis na Réabhlóide.
Sealgaire nó creach na héinne
tar éis na Réabhlóide.
After the guillotines
After the guillotines
A blood debt was settled
On each wolf’s head
The one thing needful
was grey necks to sever
after the guillotines
Twenty or more
for the run-through pup
of any wild cur
Creatures full grown
fetched forty a head
after the guillotines
Fifty marks were marked
for the terrified prize
of a still-breathing she-wolf
Fifty and a hundred
were laid for each man-killer
for each fierce head
after the guillotines.
So choose to hunt or be hooded bird’s meat
after the guillotines.
(Translation: Billy Ramsell )
Ailbhe Ní Ghearbhuigh's début collection, Péacadh, was published by Coiscéim in 2008.