We’re in chick-lit territory here, but of the charming variety. Barb is impossibly beautiful and wants to hide it under a hideous fat suit(her BF, Gabriel, has killed himself out of unrequited love for her). Lily is impossibly ugly and undergoes “death by sorrow” for the guy she carries a torch for, who does not, cannot, reciprocate. Both ladies are prisoners of their image. There’s lots of New York action with Barb, Lils and their various pals. They work on delightfully creative thingies, such as making fabulous fantasy costumes, and everyone has a gorgeous apartment. Gabriel tells them via postdated letters that a killer among them is going to knock off Stan, the guy Lily has the hots for. Yikes! In the end, as in all good fairytales, loose ends are tied and everyone, even Lily, lives happily ever after. All together: aaaaaaaw.