Zombies and Dragons On Top Of The Castle!

St Ultan’s Special School, Navan. Illustrations by Nessa Behan

Once upon a time there was a zombie named Sam who loved chocolate.

He met Bella in a forest when he was a human. Then the zombies took over the world and Sam became a zombie.

Bella didn’t know that Sam had become a zombie.

Sam wanted to meet up with Bella in the forest to tell her that he became a zombie.


Sam was scared to tell Bella that he is a zombie because he is afraid that Bella is going to eat him. Bella and Sam were talking in the forest.

“I have a plan to destroy the universe,” said Sam. “I’m going to take over the world and go into a spaceship and then go up in space and take over the galaxy!”

Bella was afraid of Sam’s plans and by looking into his eyes she could tell that he was a zombie.

“That’s not a good idea,” Bella said.

“I’m thinking about building robots,” said Sam.

Suddenly, a dragon walked in – Sam’s worst fear!

Sam screamed so loud! . . .