Bruce Gilbert/Intermedia 2001

Bruce Gilbert's sound installation Can You Keep A Secret?, at the Crawford Gallery in Cork, has an almost religious feel, an …

Bruce Gilbert's sound installation Can You Keep A Secret?, at the Crawford Gallery in Cork, has an almost religious feel, an aspect established through the hypnotic mantra that ushers you into the space. This sound has extra presence, as it appears to be live rather than recorded, and emanates from two steel cabinets placed at opposite corners of the darkened room. The separate sounds work very well together: one appears to be caused by the striking of a bell, the other by a whirring motor (that you can feel each cabinet vibrate implies working mechanisms within).

The cabinets face each other along an invisible connecting line. Traversing this allows the listener in effect to mix his or her own soundtrack: the closer you get to one cabinet, the more the other sound is cancelled out. This mutability is supported by the evolving noises themselves, caused by an irregular action of the mechanism, periodically synchronising to create a cumulative ringing tone that floats above other, ancillary noises.

As structures, the cabinets are foreboding artefacts, atmospherically lit and brooding like dark sentinels, their padlocked doors adding to the sense of mystery.

Runs until Thursday