Coming At You

Upcoming Abbey projects include a new Marina Carr, The Bog Of Cats, for the theatre festival, with a play based around the idea…

Upcoming Abbey projects include a new Marina Carr, The Bog Of Cats, for the theatre festival, with a play based around the idea of 1798 going into the Peacock, a production of Sheridan's The Rivals for Christmas, a co-production with Coisceim Dance Company, set in the 1970s ballroom era, going up in September and a co-production with Barabbas which has the working title of Port na bPucai, due to come to fruition next year.

Thomas Kilroy's The Secret Fall of Constance Wilde will tour to the Melbourne Festival in October, and may go to Japan, while Tom Murphy's The Wake is going to the Edinburgh Festival next year. Another plan, which will involve many Dublin venues, including the Gate, is a celebration of Brian Friel's 70th birthday, which will take place next spring, with a spate of productions. The Gate is taking Charleston, West Virginia, by storm, with Lady Windermere's Fan, playing at the Spoleto Festival.