Cork Printmakers - New Works

The Wandesford Quay complex in Cork City houses artists' studios, workshops and a gallery space

The Wandesford Quay complex in Cork City houses artists' studios, workshops and a gallery space. The Fenton Gallery therein has established itself as one of the country's most important exhibition venues, but the equally accomplished Cork Printmakers should not be forgotten. Selector Terry Gravett has brought together 20 of its affiliated artists for this show, covering a range of techniques from traditional to more experimental disciplines. The result is a well-defined selection devoid of padding or superfluous submissions.

Traditional techniques do dominate. Jeff Stellick's precise black and white linoprint is particularly accomplished, as he represents a city scene with elegant, stylised simplicity. Traditional, however, does not imply tractable, as imaginative subjects are also represented. Peter Dobson's brilliantly quirky etchings include strange creatures, second World War fighter-bombers and an alien straight from H.G. Wells's War of the Worlds. Paul Larocque's tiny screen prints are equally idiosyncratic, with images reminiscent of marvel comic heroes - strangely unheroic in their portrayal.

Esoteric abstraction is served well through David Kiely's impressive large-scale etchings, which wash over you with deep iridescent colours and seductive textures. Noelle Noonan's images have a spontaneous calligraphic quality, fuelled by a sensuous, vibrant red. Cath Taylor's computer generated prints on copper create a disorientating effect as the subtleties of the imagery melt brilliantly with the reflectivity of the metal, flickering and distorting your view.

Runs until November 22nd