Corrections And Clarifications

There was a transposition in the fifth paragraph of the statement by the Church of Ireland Primate, Dr Eames, in some of yesterday…

There was a transposition in the fifth paragraph of the statement by the Church of Ireland Primate, Dr Eames, in some of yesterday's early editions. The correct version reads:

"Second, there is the matter of transubstantiation. We believe that while this sacrament is a gift from Christ to His Church, Our Lord did not define its precise nature or define its component ingredients. Nor do we as Anglicans."

In an article in Wednesday's editions it was stated incorrectly that the Cistercian order came to Ireland in the 10th century. The order came to Ireland in the 12th century. It was also stated that the founder of the order was St Bernard. In fact St Bernard was one of the early leaders of the order but not the founder.

Where errors occur it is the policy of The Irish Times to correct or clarify as soon as practicable. Readers may contact the Readers' Representative's Office by telephoning 01-679-2022 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday. Outside these times they may contact the Duty Editor.