Corrections And Clarifications

An article published in the editions of December 8th last reported that a film entitled It's A Wonderful Life could not be shown…

An article published in the editions of December 8th last reported that a film entitled It's A Wonderful Life could not be shown in Dublin because it did not have a Film Censor's certificate. It has been pointed out that the Film Censor, Mr Sheamus Smith, offered a replacement certificate, free of charge, for the film when his office reopened after the weekend and that he did not ban the film. The Irish Times regrets any misunderstanding.

In the list of members of the professional practices committee of the Bar Council in yesterday's editions, Ms Meliosa Dooge was referred to as Mr Dooge.

Ms Selina Guinness's name was given incorrectly in an article on the recent conference "New Voices in Irish Criticism" in Thursday's editions.

Where errors occur it is the policy of The Irish Times to correct or clarify as soon as practicable.


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