Design your dream room

Fancy designing Brad Pitt's bedroom or Posh and Becks' kitchen?

Fancy designing Brad Pitt's bedroom or Posh and Becks' kitchen?

Here's your chance. Griffith College Dublin, in association with Crown, is inviting students from transition year upwards to design a room for their favourite celebrity and so get an insight into the world of design and what a career in it might entail.

Previous entries include a chic bedroom for Samantha Mumba, a kitchen for Gordon Ramsay and - last year's winner - a dream studio for Leonardo da Vinci.

The judges are looking for something original, detailed and stylish. Schools will receive registration packs in the next few days. If yours would like to find out more, contact Jamie at Griffith College Dublin on 01-4150423 for an information pack. The deadline for entry is April 16th.