Disposable art

`Visual art is disposable." Discuss. Or, if you like, paint, sculpt, photograph..

`Visual art is disposable." Discuss. Or, if you like, paint, sculpt, photograph . . . That's what artists have been invited to do by the newly formed "147" initiative, and the resulting temporary exhibition and knees-up takes place tonight at the Siptu Social Hall, Liberty Hall, Dublin, 6-9 p.m.

Participating artists include Cecily Brennan, Noel Sheridan, Willie Doherty, Mark Joyce, Margaret Corcoran and many others. 147 is a "nomadic contemporary art space which will generate critically relevant exhibitions and events . . . it acts as an alternative to existing structures". In other words, it's about artists taking the initiative, and that's got to be a good thing. Further information available from initiative147@hotmail.com