Dogs make a splash with new friend

Dogs on Tory Island have turned their attention from their traditional best friend and are cosying up to the resident bottlenose…

Dogs on Tory Island have turned their attention from their traditional best friend and are cosying up to the resident bottlenose dolphin this summer, writes Michelle Nic Phaidin.

Duggie, the island dolphin, arrived off Tory in May 2006.

Lately the island dogs have taken to jumping off the pier and swimming around the bay after their bottlenose buddy.

One dog in particular, Ben, has struck up an exceptional friendship with Duggie.


"Our dog Ben spends up to four to five hours a day swimming with Duggie," the manager of the island hotel Pat Doogan said. "He doesn't leave his side. Our family is thinking that he prefers the dolphin to us."

Ben is not the only dog on the island to find his sea legs. Other dogs have taken to the sea with the dolphin as well and by all reports enjoy every minute of it.

One local quipped that they were thinking of rechristening the dolphin 'Doggie'.

During the day Duggie spends his time swimming around the pier area.

He swims out with Pat's boat Toraigh na dTonn and then returns to the bay after travelling a mile and a half out to sea. When the boat returns to the pier he swims out and joins the boat until it reaches the pier much to tourists' delight.

Locals are particularly taken with their resident who, experts say, is about four years old.

This year Tory Island has enjoyed one of the best tourism seasons to date and spirits are high on the island.