Nothing comes from nothing: an adage some might apply to Felim Egan's minimalist abstract paintings, as on first acquaintance there is little to connect with in terms of visual content. But therein lies the strength, as the workshave the power to captivate in discrete, tangential ways.
Egan works within a well-recognised format, exploring the relationship between small square motifs and textural monochrome backgrounds. Their interaction is the key to the paintings' complexities. The positioning of the squares is far from arbitrary, as the artist considers tension and contrast, balance and equanimity. These act as natural focal points, revealing a marble-like finish that contrasts wonderfully with the sandy texture of the background. They appear as hanging arranged according to Elan's penchant for using colour in defined sequences - , categorised by discrete, neutral discrete hues which that favour green, blue and reddish brown. Allow the paintings to wash over you and, like all good abstract art, they heighten your awareness of your surroundings.
Conveniently, the gallery windows face onto SS Peter and Paul's church. This sand and limestone structure offers a harmonious equilibrium that echoes the colours inside the gallery. By extension, it is possible that these paintings transfer an atmosphere for religious contemplation into a secular environment.
Runs until June 26th