Movies by readers

Ticket readers have been nominating their films of the year on our Screenwriter blog. Here’s what you said...

Ticket readers have been nominating their films of the year on our Screenwriter blog. Here’s what you said...

Coco before Chanel– just a gorgeous production. Made me realise that we shouldn't just slavishly worship these icons. Thoughtful and said a lot about the times she lived in without dumbing it down. – Aisling

The Secret of Kellsgets my nod for best Irish film by a mile and I think maybe my film of the year. Absolutely beautiful film, I could lap it up all day. – Major Alfonso

Inglourious Basterds:Brilliantly convulsive film-making. May seem superficial and decadent, however there is a serious engagement with ideas there underneath all of its surfaces. Granted, that may not be Mr Tarantino's intention, but I was gripped, despite and because of its flaws. – Nam Citsale


Turkey of the Year:Inglourious Basterds (abysmal shite, in my opinion) – Noise Annoys

(500) Days of Summerwas pretty damn terrible, hinging, as it did, on the thesis that listening to British rock from the eighties makes you a very interesting person in itself. – Andrew

Worst film has to be Land of the Lost, for sheer inanity. Though Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen wins most of the bad awards, such as "Most racist", "Biggest plot holes" and "Most pretentious title". – David Neary

Worst film: Harry Brown. Dear God that was atrocious. Fascist film-making at its worst. It was like Lord of the Rings set in a housing estate. Biggest Disappointment: The Invention of Lying – this (nearly) killed Ricky Gervais for me. Overly-sentimental (he just wouldn't stop welling up every 10 minutes) and a concept that got old as soon as the opening credits finished rolling. Actually it was pretty much past its sell-by date as soon as the trailer finished. – Niallo

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