OMG it's 1D in 3D: One Direction This Is Us - the review

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Director: Morgan Spurlock
Cert: PG
Genre: Documentary
Starring: Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson
Running Time: 1 hr 32 mins

#weeping OMG! OMG! OMG! #Ijustcantstopstaringatthescreen… So excited! Ovaries Ache! The 1D movie is so like the most freaking awesome movie ever! I’m gonna go to the cinema every day with mahomies because we totes liked them before anybody else and I totes have dibs on Harry since way back when he was still on


and before that old dude that looks like a lady even put the band together.

Yep. Called that. RT please. No matter what you see on the 1D3D tweets or any of the other #Directioners say: I totes called first. Like… Whatevs. Jealous much? #yousuckworsethanabelieber. Watch this space for dubs wedding featuring me, Haz, Perrie and @zaynmalik. LOL. RT if you're stoked for Perrie Edwards!


And then when 1D3D comes out on BluRay I'm gonna watch the s**t out of it on my brother's 3D TV – cuz nobody uses it anymore anyway – #untilmyeyesdropout. And I'm going to put the cardboard cutout – #mypaperhusband – I won from Kiss magazine on my Harry Altar (formerly unicorn corner). And then I'm gonna post some selfies with me and #mypaperhusband getting it orwwn. And then me and my besties are gonna have 1D3D sleepovers every night until we're all gross and old and, like, 24 or something. LOL.

But like, cirrusly, 1D3D is sooooo good because it has the guys just being like regular guys and – so cute!!! – going back to where they worked before and stuff and – #wombwantsbad – going on a camping trip. #justtoocutetolive. And then they make a mess on the tent even though they have a camera crew. ROTFL. LOL times infinity. #cantwaitforthesequel. Calling all #Directioners. RT NOWWWW for 1D3D2!!!!! #RTtilyourthumbsbleed. Best. Movie. Ever.

Tara Brady

Tara Brady

Tara Brady, a contributor to The Irish Times, is a writer and film critic