
A full-length piano recital in a recognised venue is to be the prize for a new competition in the Siemens Nixdorf Feis Ceoil

A full-length piano recital in a recognised venue is to be the prize for a new competition in the Siemens Nixdorf Feis Ceoil. The new award is to be named after the well-known teacher, Mabel Swainson, and will be launched on February 24th through an NCH recital by Philip Martin, one of her most distinguished pupils. Funds to support the venture are still being canvassed and potential supporters can get full details from Maurice Foley on 01-8325041 . . . The artist Brian Maguire has been chosen to represent Ireland at Sao Paulo's Bienal, from October 3rd December 15th. Maguire, who is an NCAD graduate, has worked in a range of media - painting, video and installation - and will shortly be travelling to Sao Paolo to develop new work in response to the Bienal's theme of "density and anthrophagy" . . . Rather him than us.