The new Ti Chulainn Activity Centre in South Armagh is hosting a New Year's Eve Party with singing and music, sets, ceili and old time dancing, as well as story-telling - there is a late bar and accommodation is available at a reduced rate - phone 08-01693-888828 for what sounds like a wonderful alternative to flat champagne in front of the telly . . . Dublin Corporation Public Libraries are running a music appreciation course under the title, "A Salute to Opera", at the ILAC Centre at 6.30 p.m. on Thursdays from January 14th - interest in the course is high, so book on 01-8734333 . . . A new magazine which will focus on classical music on the whole island of Ireland, Classical Ireland, will be launched today and will be available through Newspread and Easons, WNS in the North, for distribution to bookshops . . .
Twenty-three-year-old Galwegian, Coilin O hAodha has won the 13th Radio 1, Francis Mac Manus Short Story Competition, and his story, Her Blood Dripped into Grass will be broadcast on Saturday, January 2nd, read by Kate Minogue . . . The Vanguard Gallery in Macroom, which has a Christmas show featuring Joe Coen, Sean Mac Sweeney, John Shinnors and Charles Tyrell, and an exhibition by Tony and Jane O'Malley due to open in January, is now organising talks for school and university groups - contact 026-41198 for information . . .