Galway 2020 selects film producer Arthur Lappin to chair board

Producer played key role in bid that won Galway capital of culture designation

Film and theatre producer Arthur Lappin played a key role in producing the bid book which won Galway the European Capital of Culture designation. Photograph: Brenda Fitzsimons

Galway's European Capital of Culture project (Galway 2020) has appointed film and theatre producer Arthur Lappin to chair its board with immediate effect.

Mr Lappin, a Galway 2020 board member since December, takes over role from Aideen McGinley, who last month indicated she stepping aside.

The move follows last week's announcement that UK creative company Artichoke would serve as creative director for the project. The role had been vacant since the departure of Chris Baldwin in May.

Galway will be the European capital of culture in 2020 which will see it host events in venues and locations throughout the county. However, preparations have been dogged by funding problems and a number of high-profile departures.


Mr Lappin played a key role in producing the bid book which won Galway the designation. He has served on the board of more than 30 cultural organisations, as well as producing 16 feature films, several television series and documentaries, and more than 20 stage productions.

Galway 2020 chief executive Patricia Philbin said Mr Lappin would "play a significant part in the delivery" of the initiative due to his "unrivalled knowledge and experience".

Mr Lappin said working on the bid process “showed me how transformative this could be for Galway – not just for the work that will be presented during 2020, but for the legacy which it will sow for the future”.

Deirdre Falvey

Deirdre Falvey

Deirdre Falvey is a features and arts writer at The Irish Times