With Angry Birds, Rovio has a good thing. The original game has been massively popular and spawned several spin-offs including a seasonal one that covers everything from Christmas to Valentine's Day, a Star Wars version, and even a racing game. Rovio certainly knows how to wring the most out of a franchise. Now it's the turn of the RPG. Angry Birds Epic is a turn-based game, where the pigs not only steal the eggs, but battle back. No more taking potshots at the porcine invaders and hoping for the best; now you have to plan your strategy. As you progress through the levels, you'll add to to your team of Angry Birds and also increase your skill levels, which you'll need as you face tougher enemies. You can use your team members' abilities to boost different birds (a shield, an attack boost) giving you something to think about before you try simple brute force to defeat the pigs. Each victory gives you the chance to earn loot, which can be use for crafting. Rage chilis, built up over battles, give you a stronger attacks. It may not be RPG as we've come to know it, but it's an entertaining addition to the franchise – though heavy on the in-app purchases.
Angry Bird Epic
The birds vs pigs battle continues, but this time it’s an RPG