The free-to-play business model seems to be built on the principles of dependence: Beejumbled, a freemium app game, correctly assumes that it's so addictive you'll be happy to pay for all the bonuses and extras on offer. It's a word-jumble game in which you highlight words (minimum three letters) in a race against the clock or in a timed race against an online opponent. The layout has a honeycombed appearance, lining up hexagons a la the 1980s gameshow Blockbusters. Here's where you'll pay: you can't play without a certain amount of "honey drops". These bonuses are renewed every day, but can be paid for if you don't want to wait. The honey drops can buy extra time, multiplied points or different avatars. The various avatars (all cartoon bees) offer different benefits – some give extra points for using the letter "w" for instance, and another very specific one rewards baseball-themed words. Beejumbled is nicely presented and ruthlessly addictive.