Lego Ninjago Nindroids is one of at least five Lego games released this year. With games, films, TV shows and merchandise, the toymaker is achieving what most Lego villains crave – world domination!!! This is a third-person, platform, combat and puzzle game. It's got the cheeky tone we've come to expect from Lego, but a slightly different look and feel: cyberpunk laced with martial arts culture. As you'd expect, you can build items at a moment's notice and switch between characters, each of which has their own set of skills, and you can commandeer vehicles and cannons. The graphics are dependably cute, with the characters' familiar stuttering walk, Lego blocks and zany gadgets. This is clearly made for a younger audience than other Lego franchise games; it's got cool-kid attitude and sass, while the gameplay is relatively unchallenging. It wouldn't quite have the crossover appeal of say, Lego Batman, but its target audience will likely love it.
Lego Ninjago Nindroids
Cute and fun, this Lego title will appeal to young gamers