The setting of Lone Survivor is both surreal and horrific, a nightmare of scary monsters and paranormal events. But its hero's motivation is movingly mundane: "If nothing else, I don't want to die alone". This leads him out of his apartment to find other people after society has crumbled and the streets are plagued by creepy, faceless monsters that look like melting mannequins. Jasper Byrne almost single-handedly crafted this 8-bit-style survival horror. It's a game of exploration, investigation and (despite the lead character owning a gun) patiently creeping past countless enemies. Beneath its simple, blocky appearance, there's a smart, deeply atmospheric game. The music and sound impressively create a feeling of volatility and dread, and (as the game instructs) players should wear head-phones to get the full effect. It moves at its own pace and is neither for the timid nor casual gamer. Lone Survivor demands reflection, but rewards the patient player generously with satisfying gameplay and narrative.
Lone survivor: The Director’s Cut