The 1980s are back. Haven't you heard? If today's synth-soaked bands, the recession and Red Scare haven't tipped you off, take a look at such games as Narco Terror and Hotline Miami. The former is a retro twin-stick, top-down shooter that resembles a million arcade games from the Reagan era. You play a hero in the mould of Duke Nukem (buzz cut, shades, bad one-liners) tasked with bringing down a drug cartel. To use a Simpsons reference, it doesn't take long to get to the fireworks factory; there is mayhem, gunshots and endless flammable and combustible objects from the get-go. The aiming is reasonably precise (though sometimes onerous if enemies are elevated), and it's fast and lively enough, and offers a decent array of guns and their power-ups. Some may find its macho, low-brow tone and slightly repetitive carnage wearying. But it's undemanding, diverting and best as a two-player co-op game.
Narco Terror