PS4 owners have some time to wait before Ratchet and Clank make it on to the next generation of consoles, but that doesn’t mean Insomniac Games has been sitting on its laurels. The duo are back and looking good on the PS Vita. The trilogy takes the original games from the PS2 era, gives them a bit of high-definition spit and polish, and pushes them on to Sony’s handheld console. There’s much to love about this release, even if you played the PS2 originals. It’s a nostalgia hit for a start, and even though the games date back to the start of the last decade, they don’t seem to have aged as badly as other remastered titles. Gameplay still feels natural, although there are a few jarring moments. And even though the cut scenes can seem dated, it’s not as bad as you might think. The trilogy can also cross-play with the PS3, which gives you an extra bit of value.
Ratchet & Clank
The duo are back and looking good