Transformers: The Fall of Cybertron

12+ cert, Activision, PS3 (also Xbox, PC)

12+ cert, Activision, PS3 (also Xbox, PC)

The important thing with Fall of Cybertron is that you don’t rush to judge it based on some terrible films and a slightly off-putting game tie-in. Because the latest Transformers game to hit the consoles is so much better than that. It has a by-now familiar theme: Autobots versus Decepticons, and the struggle for control of their home world. The game continues the events from War for Cybertron. In the campaign mode, you take the role of a specific Transformer, each with its own special skills and moves, for specific levels. It requires a lot more thought than simply blasting your way through different battle-torn environments. You need to play to each robot’s strengths, and figuring it all out is actually fun.

Once you’re done with the campaign, try the four-player co-op Escalation mode online. If you are a fan of the original cartoon series, The Fall of Cybertron will be right up your street. If you aren’t, there are going to be some things that go right over your head, but it will still make for an enjoyable game.