1916 commemoration: A proclamation for a new generation

Help your school devise a rallying cry for modern Ireland – in 600 words

Your school is invited to write a new proclamation for 2016, reflecting the values, ideals and aspirations of your generation.

Schools can collaborate on one proclamation for all their pupils or have classes create their own. Each new “proclamation for a new generation” must be 600 words at most and can be written in English, as Gaeilge, or in another language spoken at the school.

A template for new proclamations is to be made available at scoilnet.ie. From November 16th, schools will be able to upload one 2016 proclamation each at scoilnet.ie.

Ireland 2016 is also inviting schools to record YouTube videos of their proclamations. These will be showcased on the Ireland 2016 YouTube channel. Information will be available at ireland.ie.


A copy of the original 1916 Proclamation in English and as Gaeilge will be provided to all schools in the 2015-16 school year, and also available at scoilnet.ie.

All educational institutions, meanwhile, from preschool to higher education, are encouraged to put time aside on Proclamation Day – March 15th, 2016 – to commemorate the events of 1916, to celebrate the present and to imagine the future.

Schools are asked to consult with students in choosing activities, which could involve: starting the day by raising the national flag; reading the 1916 Proclamation; unveiling entries for “proclamation for a new generation”, or for other 2016 competitions; a celebration of historical or contemporary music; or participation in Féile na Físe, a 1916-themed event run during the Seachtain na Gaeilge festival in March (snag.ie).

Online resources: Scoilnet.ie covers schools initiatives. Ireland.ie contains the full Ireland 2016 programme