Architectural contest for Glasnevin centenary chapel

Memorial will commemorate 232 who died in 1916 Rising

The chapel to commemorate the 232 people who died during the 1916 Rising, which is due to be completed to coincide with the the Easter 2016 centenary celebrations, will be built at Glasnevin Cemetery. Photograph: Alan Betson/The Irish Times

An international architectural competition to design a chapel to commemorate the 232 people who died during the 1916 Rising has been opened by the Glasnevin Trust and the Royal Institute of Architects in Ireland (RIAI).

The chapel, which is due to be completed to coincide with the the Easter 2016 centenary celebrations, will be built on the site of the mass grave where the 232 were buried in the St Paul's cemetery area of Glasnevin Cemetery.

The capital cost of the project is estimated at between €2.5 and €3 million and will be funded partly by the Dublin Cemeteries Committee. Government funding is also being sought and the committee has started fundraising activities through philanthropic sources. The winner of the architectural competition will receive an award of €10,000.

The chapel is one of few building projects planned to commemorate the Rising, according to John Green, chairman of the Dublin Cemeteries Committee.


“Our ambition is that this would be a striking memorial to those people, while creating a spiritual, contemplative and peaceful space in modern times for those who come to mourn and grieve for the recently deceased.”

In addition to being a memorial, the chapel will be used on a regular basis for cremation services and private remembrance services and will provide “an additional, appropriate and respectful funeral service space within the grounds”, Mr Green said.

RIAI director John Graby said international architectural competitions yielded exciting innovative designs. " The ambition of the clients for this important building is particularly suited to an architectural competition and we look forward to seeing the final scheme."

The competition, which runs until December 18th, will be open to registered Irish and EU architects.

The judging panel members are Mr Green, Des McMahon of Gilroy McMahon Architects, Paddy Fletcher of A&D Wejchert Architects, John Watson, board member of Glasnevin Trust, and George McCullough, chief executive of Glasnevin Trust.

Olivia Kelly

Olivia Kelly

Olivia Kelly is Dublin Editor of The Irish Times