Germany holds off on submarine order while a dispute in Dublin rages over 28 shillings

1916/2016: a miscellany

US president Woodrow Wilson: although still opposed to entering the war, he was under increasing pressure to strengthen the US militarily.

February 17th, 1916 Reports from Washington say German ambassador Count Bernstorff told the US that Germany had postponed the effective date of Germany’s new order

of submarines because of the sinking of armed merchantmen and so as to afford the opportunity for negotiations .

US president Woodrow Wilson was still opposed to entering the war but was under increasing pressure to strengthen the US militarily. The Preparedness Movement, which wanted to see large increases in the military, won out in May, and the US entered the war in January 1917.

Kingstown Police Court

Courting and moneylending “Miss

Mary Smith


, 9 Corrig Avenue, Kingstown, sued Joseph Cuddy, 33 Mulgrave Street, for 28s money lent. She said she was a parlormaid and that she lent the money to the defendant who was a groom. He had only repaid her 2s.

“The defendant denied borrowing any money. He said she was a spiteful and vindictive woman. She wanted him to save up with her and get married. He had made her presents. When they quarrelled she had smashed them and put them under the door of the stable where he worked.

“Mr Reddy, solicitor for the defendant, handed the magistrate a number of letters which he contended showed spite.

“Mr Gerald Byrne, solicitor for the plaintiff, asked Cuddy how many other girls he had. The defendant replied that had nothing to do with Mr Byrne . . .

"His worship said that it appeared to him that the plaintiff had documentary evidence. The two had been courting and if they had not quarrelled nothing would have been heard of the case. He gave the decree for 25s. Mr Reddy said he would appeal." (The Irish Times)

Letter to the Editor

Sir – the chiff-chaff was heard on the 12th February by Mrs Hoffe at Arklow and on the 15th by Miss McCarthy Filgate at Balbriggan. No doubt these birds have wintered in Ireland. My earliest date of arrival is March 12th, four years ago. Charles Benson , Balbriggan