Students create artwork inspired by 1916

Chris Merton (17) used pencil and watercolours for a picture of the GPO

WE ASKED two students to create an artwork inspired by the 1916 period. Diarmuid McKenna (15) of Killina Presentation Secondary School, Co Offaly used pencils to depict a tenement family in Dublin, after researching life in 1916.

“I read up on life in 1916, found a picture on the web on my phone and drew it off that,” he said. “It took me a couple of hours. Seeing people living in the same area now, there’s a huge contrast.”

Chris Merton (17) of Wesley College Dublin, meanwhile, used pencil and watercolours for a picture of the GPO, Easter Rising HQ.

“1916 was a turning point in who we are as a nation and the GPO is a huge monument of that time. The man on the side is Michael Collins, symbolising those who died for our rights.”