The ‘Irish Volunteer’ urges volunteers to guard weapons closely

1916/2016: a miscellany

“Weapons which have been found serviceable in the present European war, are, in some cases, not good enough for Volunteer Companies (pictured)”

January 26th, 1916

Volunteers urged to guard weapons closely (

The Irish Volunteer

, January 29th) : “It was agreed to remind Volunteers of their obligation not to part with their weapons but with their lives, and of the desirability of keeping their weapons in safe, but accessible places. Decision of IV Central Executive.”

The IV also carries a reproachful message in similar vein: "Many of our Companies are amazingly fastidious in the matter of arms. Weapons which have been found serviceable in the present European war, are, in some cases, not good enough for Volunteer Companies (pictured).


“One finds it difficult to have patience with such an outlook. We put it to the men and officers of the Companies concerned that in refusing to arm themselves with the weapons that are available they are possibly neglecting the only chance they will have of arming themselves until the war is over . . . ”

A notice for Cumann na mBan (IV) records "a steady increase in business to be done with the growth of branches throughout the country".

It calls members’ attention to the whist drive under way: “The prizes offered are most uncommon and include productions of some of our best artists . . . Tickets 2/6d.” New branches opened in Carrickmacross and Castlegregory.

Daily police (Dublin Metropolitan Police) report to Dublin Castle: “I beg to report that on the 26th inst, the undermentioned extremists were observed moving about and associating with each other as follows: With Thomas Clarke, 75 Parnell St, John McGarry for 20 minutes . . . C Colbert for a few minutes at 12.45 pm.

“Pierce Beasley, who arrived at Kingston from Holyhead at 6pm, was in conversation with Clarke for a quarter of an hour . . . JR Reynolds and B Parsons from 8.40 to 9 pm.

“James McNeill, James Connolly (pictured), L Raul, MJ O’Rahilly, J Plunkett, E Mellows and E O’Duffy in 2 Dawson Street from 12 noon to 2pm.

“JJ Walsh in his shop, 36 Blessington Street, between 8 and 9 pm . . .

"Attached are copies of this week's issue of The Irish Volunteer, Nationality, Honesty, and New Ireland, some of which contain notes of an anti-British character."

– Owen Brien, Superintendent.”

January 26th, 2016

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