The Times We Lived In: Driving on Dollymount Strand

Published: July 12th, 1977; Photograph by Tom Lawlor

Beach buggy: Driving on Dollymount Strand on a sunny day. Photograph: Tom Lawlor / The Irish Times

Did somebody say Beach Boys? Well, they may not be the real Californian deal; but in the summer of 1977 these beach babes must have caused a bit of a ripple on Dollymount Strand, for they were getting around in some style.

“Driving on Dollymount Strand on a sunny day,” is all the caption has to say, revealing little about the identities of the two gents concerned and nothing at all about the car.

Now, if this writer is to be absolutely honest about it, sports cars always make me smile: but only because they bring to mind, first Noddy and his friend Big-Ears from the Enid Blyton books, and second that scene from the Bridget Jones movie – with the hair. I know absolutely zero about makes or models.

However, thanks to the wonders of modern technology (ie a quick visit to the website, I can confidently declare this vehicle to be a blue 1969 MG Midget. “All nose and headlights,” according to the motoroscenti. (Heated discussions of rounded wheel arches, chrome bumpers, cylinder head casting and much, much more are available on many, many online forums and chatrooms, should you wish to pursue it.)


As for the lads, there’s no risk of a Bridget Jones-style bad hair day for these two cool dudes.

Meeting the eye of the camera lens, the driver in our image has the grace to look mildly sheepish – but his friend is going for the full alfresco open-top look without the slightest hint of embarrassment.

And why not? Since what is more often seen driving along Dollymount Strand – horizontally – is rain. So if there’s a smidgin of sunshine anywhere in Ireland this holiday season, folks, get your tops off, rev up and head for the wide blue yonder.