How to survive Christmas as a recovering alcoholic

1. Arrange to meet people you are comfortable with for a chat, coffee or meal

1. Arrange to meet people you are comfortable with for a chat, coffee or meal. Consider inviting friends from Alcoholics Anonymous meetings for a alcohol-free party.

2. Stock up with lots of non-alcoholic drinks that you like and food that you particularly enjoy.

3. Organise your time so that you have a good balance between socialising and rest. 4. Those attending 12 step fellowship meetings should find out in advance what meetings are being held and make arrangements to get to them, bearing in mind the varying timetables with public transport over Christmas and New Year.

5. Avoid volatile family situations. Aim to be/stay in a "safe" place over the festive season.


6. Make an effort with your surroundings. Decorate your home. Send cards. Buy yourself a gift.

7. Rehearse and know exactly what to say should someone say, "go on, have a drink". Plan ahead for social occasions and have an escape route and your sponsor's number if things get difficult. Have money for a taxi.

8. Have realistic expectations of this period. It's okay to feel miserable if you do.

Adapted from Survive Christmas, an article in November/December 2000 issue of Addiction Today magazine.