It wouldn't be summer without

It wouldn't be summer without the sunshine, Fine Gael spokesperson on justice, John Deasy, tells Catherine Foley.

It wouldn't be summer without the sunshine, Fine Gael spokesperson on justice, John Deasy, tells Catherine Foley.

"It wouldn't be summer without the sunshine. It lifts everybody. People's

attitudes and their outlook change completely when the weather is good. People do get depressed when the weather is bad. But when the weather is fine and the days are long, you can see it in people's faces. Their attitudes become sunnier."

When in India...


. . . don't be surprised if your beer sometimes arrives in a teapot. This is because you're eating in a strict vegetarian Hindu or Muslim restaurant, where alcohol is not on the menu, but enterprising waiters will go out and get you some. It is in a teapot so as not to offend Indian diners.