Latest CD releases reviewed.

Latest CD releases reviewed.

Time Within Time hatology *****

Anyone lucky enough to have heard Copland's solo concerts here will know that this further example of his extraordinary ability in this most demanding of formats will be quite unlike that of any other pianist's. He hears sounds no one else does and his harmonic sensibility is expressed with spellbinding delicacy and satisfying ambiguity. Here, significantly, it's also couched in terms of a measured, elegant dance through a programme of originals by himself, Wayne Shorter, John Lewis, Miles Davis and Don Sebesky, with four exquisite, utterly dissimilar examinations of Leonard Bernstein's Some Other Time, in three different keys, as staging posts throughout. There's no weakness anywhere, but standouts include All Blues, Django and, especially, a kind of aurally kaleidoscopic swirl through his own Round She Goes. Ray Comiskey

Electra ECM *****


Written by bassist Andersen for a Greek production of Sophocles' classic tragedy, this is a haunting collection of pieces built around the distinctive talents of Arve Henriksen (trumpet), Eivind Aarset (guitars), Andersen, four singers, including the remarkable Savina Yannatou, and assorted percussion and electronics, including Nils Petter Molvær (drum programming). Andersen's mixing of these elements is masterly, with Henriksen's uniquely vocalised trumpet used to expressive perfection and the electronics applied with a sure musical and dramatic touch. Paired with the stage production, it must have been a remarkable experience. Here it's still an arresting one; there's a melancholy beauty, replete with a sense of anguish, to the work - particularly the main pieces - which is consistently affecting. Ray Comiskey

New Hat (no label)****

This is the debut CD of composer/ arranger and Hammond organist Dylan Rynhart's Fuzzy Logic, a tentet using voice, cello, drums and a wind instrument spread of trumpet, trombone, french horn, alto and clarinet, plus the leader's keyboard. Playing Rynhart's compositions and arrangements, the group reinforces the good impression created by its unique sound and committed public performances. Rynhart's signature is on the writing, tinged with some of Kenny Wheeler's quirkiness, if not his lyricism; it's adept, constantly engaging, full of colour and packed with incident - sometimes, perhaps, too abundantly - while his use of counterpoint, though frequent, is crafted with clarity and variety. It remains a band utterly unlike anything else around, and full of surprises, almost all good. Ray Comiskey