
Asthma: New research from Sweden points to a possible link between respiratory infection in infants and the subsequent development…

Asthma: New research from Sweden points to a possible link between respiratory infection in infants and the subsequent development of asthma in children up to seven-years-old. Symptoms of an infection known as Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) are similar to that of a cold and include a runny nose, fever and coughing. It may spread to the lower respiratory tract and cause wheezing and create difficulty breathing. Dr Nele Sigurs, consultant in paediatrics in Boras, Sweden, found that 30 per cent of children who experienced RSV infection as babies developed asthma by age seven. While only seven per cent of children who didn't catch the RSV infection developed asthma by age seven. Premature babies and those with chronic lung disorder are in the highest risk group for getting a severe infection of the RSV virus.

Complementary: The Celtic Tiger lifestyle is destroying our health and causing an increase in stress-related illnesses including stomach and bowel disorders, high blood pressure, migraine, eczema, asthma and even cancer, according to complementary health practitioner and author, Jan de Vries. He believes that lifestyle changes - more fresh fruit and green vegetables in our diet, more exercise and the judicious use of herbal preparations - are critically important. A resident in Scotland, Dutch-born Jan de Vries was in Dublin last week to launch a new range of vitamins, minerals and food supplements from HealthCrafts.

Yoga: Looking for a healthy autumnal break? How about a four day Yoga retreat in Kerry. From October 22nd to the 25th, a yoga, music and dance workshop goes ahead at the Glanleam Estate and Gardens, Valentia, Co Kerry. Cost £280, which includes full board, workshops and excursions. Details tel: 066 915765.

Open day: The Irish Lymphoedema Support Network is hosting an open day next Saturday at 1.30 p.m. in the Montrose Hotel, Stillorgan Road, Dublin 4. Guest speakers are Dr Denis Liston, GP, and Michelle McDonnell, clinical nurse specialist at St Lukes Hospital, Dublin. Members free/ non-members £5. More Details from the Irish Cancer Society, tel: 01 6681855.


Sylvia Thompson

Sylvia Thompson

Sylvia Thompson, a contributor to The Irish Times, writes about health, heritage and the environment