Lloyd Stinson

Age: 19

Age: 19

Occupation: Industrial credit controller

Today's buy: New Rock boots from Zerep

Best sales bargain: "I don't really go to the sales"


Best sale: "No idea"

Best Christmas present: "These boots"

Worst Christmas present: Thermal socks

Three most important wardrobe items: Black T-shirts, combats from the Army Surplus Store and boots.

Looking for: Long black leather trench coat, maybe from Asha

Key item for 1999: "Religion" (?)

Trainers, shoes or boots: "Boots, always boots"

Wears to work: "What I have on"

Reading: "Necronomicon. It's an ancient Samarian religious text"

Most frequented shops: Army Surplus, Asha

Never shops in: "Well, I'd say trendy shops but I did go into one once"

Object of desire: Leather trench coat

Style icon: Marilyn Manson