Mary Mary's Last Dance

Project Cube

Project Cube

Puca Puppets have a real charmer in Mary Mary, their new show for adults - although the young folk should enjoy it hugely too. It portrays the last hours on earth of an 85-year old woman, the kind that used to be known as "a character". She is played by a puppet, manipulated by two young women who create her movements and speech.

The device works perfectly by focusing attention so strongly on the character of Mary Mary, wrinkled and old, with rheumatism-warped hands and shaky legs. She is having a bad night and knows it. Between her bed and armchair she moves erratically, trying to sleep, make tea and, above all, remember.

The past keeps her company on this final night. She remembers when she was beautiful, her romance with Harry, how she loved to dance, and more. But the present will not be denied, and the unknown future beckons.


The puppeteers are Helene Hugel and Niamh Lawlor, unobtrusively perfect in every physical and vocal nuance. They are superbly supported by Liz Keller with music and sound effects, and Leticia Agudo directs. For about an hour, they create something special, a small stage gem that sparkles brightly.

Runs until Saturday April 21st; to book phone 1850- 260027