Moments to savour

Ever wondered what you could accomplish in an hour? Probably a lot of nothing, but maybe it's worth thinking about

Ever wondered what you could accomplish in an hour? Probably a lot of nothing, but maybe it's worth thinking about. I wake up every morning and I go to sleep every night.

Between waking and sleeping is a big open space, and it's up to me what I do with it. Mostly I dream. I dream of tomorrow and of yesterday.

The whole day is pretty predictable. I wake up with the usual amount of denial. If I deny it's morning, I can sleep. From then on it's the same. Shower, breakfast, Dart, passive inhaling of someone else's joint on the back of the bus to college.

Go to college, experience college and take the bus back home. It's late in the day, so my fellow commuters are usually cranky. If I'm unlucky I'll get yelled at by some kid with a big mouth and a small brain. I get home, waste the evening away and go to sleep. That's the short version, the mundane version. If my day were as boring as that, I'd probably run out in front of the bus.


In truth, my day is not put together hour by hour. It's a series of moments, pasted together. These moments mould my being, bulldozer me over and put me back together. They stop me in my tracks and send me on my way.

Take yesterday for example. I climbed a mountain. This isn't a metaphor; I really did climb a mountain. It was one of those mountains that tricks you into thinking you're nearly at the top before adding on a couple of hundred sly metres.

It was a struggle - all the way up I found it nearly impossible to catch my breath but when I reached the top, that mountain took my breath away. The view was incredible. I could do nothing but sit in awe. In that moment I was part of something bigger. And in the face of something bigger, I felt completely and utterly at peace. It was just the silent music and me.

In that moment, time stopped. Sure, the bus continued on its daily and repetitive route, the kids yelled, the stoners dealt pot and phones rang, but up there on that mountain, at that moment, everything was as still and as silent as a painting. That was it. One moment that would sit in a catalogue full of moments, big and small, and shape my character, mould my being.

So an hour goes by, what have you accomplished? Will you remember that hour, or was it so full of nothing that you have erased it from your memory already? You can plan your everyday, you can timetable it, you can schedule it. But you can't factor in the good and bad things, the surprises. You can't decide the weather and you can't change the past. So live for each moment. And remember, you don't make a moment, a moment makes you.