Adèle Commins and Daithí Kearney: A Louth Lilt – a globetrotting musical adventure

A Louth Lilt
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Artist: Adele Commins and Dáithí Kearney
Genre: Traditional
Label: Independent Release

Fervent appetites for exploring new horizons colour and shape this debut album from piano accordion and banjo duo, Adèle Commins and Daithí Kearney. Their geographical and musical itineraries swing from Scandinavia to Brazil, with many picaresque detours in between.

They are at their best when they choose forms that let their respective instruments breathe free. Commins's accordion relishes the slow waltz of A Telemark Tune, inspired by a Norwegian adventure, with Kearney's fine fingerpicking adding a lively joust . Kearney's flight and fluidity of style is the soaring tower underpinning Late Night Rambles by the Moon andeverywhere, the pair dash and duck with the familiarity of a musical couple intimately acquainted with one another's music.

Their chosen instruments at times stifle the breadth of the tunes, though, where a warm bassline might’ve added some welcome space to the mix.

Siobhán Long

Siobhán Long

Siobhán Long, a contributor to The Irish Times, writes about traditional music and the wider arts