Amanda Palmer & The Grand Theft Orchestra

Theatre is Evil 8ft Records ****

Theatre is Evil8ft Records ****

Amanda Palmer is the best female rock singer/drama queen you've probably never heard of; a member of the Dresden Dolls (currently on hiatus) and art-rock-theatre duo Evelyn Evelyn (ditto). (She's also married to writer Neil Gaiman). She funded Theatre is Evil (her third solo record) via Kickstarter. Whatever about what Palmer terms "the cloud of shame around art and business being seen as bedfellows", this album's edge, wit, confrontation and rock/pop nous suggest it's the work of one culturally aware and creatively significant person. Theatre is Evil is unpredictably brilliant; just when you think you have Palmer sussed across one or two tracks, along comes another one or two to overturn your preconceptions. No wonder Lady Gaga is a fan.

Download tracks:Do it with a Rockstar, Trout Heart Replica, Berlin

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea is a contributor to The Irish Times specialising in popular culture