Ani DiFranco marries a social conscience to funk and soul

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Artist: Ani DiFranco
Genre: R&B / Soul
Label: Righteous Babe/Aveline Records

Independent artists have a bucketload of thanks to give to singer-songwriter Ani DiFranco, a very early adopter in establishing her own record label. She was also fearless in highlighting sexual politics and is a supreme feminist, activist and social motivator.

Binary, her 20th studio album, arrives at a point when facts are rarely what they seem. Produced by Tchad Blake, a crisp sound zings through songs that highlight varying topics – espousing nonviolence (Pacifist's Lament), encouraging empathy (Terrifying Sight), a plea for reproductive rights (Play God), and being open to and aware of (as DiFranco notes) "the full spectrum of depth and position."

Music styles rarely stray from funk and soul, and all are delivered with no end of flair.

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea is a contributor to The Irish Times specialising in popular culture