Eddy Current Suppression Ring

Rush to Relax, Melodic ****

Rush to Relax, Melodic ****

Eddy Current Suppression Ring don't waste time. The Aussie hard-chaws took just six hours to stick this album together – but then, previous releases such as Primary Colourswere also completed in jig time. What we get here is what we've been getting since ECSR first came together at a Melbourne record-pressing plant Christmas party in 2003: snarly, gnarly, punk-as-hell garage rock. Frontman Brendan Suppression is the pace-setter, eagerly casting himself into the midst of nervy, edgy sonic booms to dictate even rowdier directions.

The tracks whip by, with ones to note including Anxiety, Burnand, especially, the freewheeling cosmic largesse of the title track. There is nothing here you haven't already heard a couple of hundred times via The Sonics, The Stooges or other shaggy desperados, but it's a furious, intoxicating, riveting blast nonetheless. See ecsr.com.au

Download tracks: Anxiety, Burn