Fang IslandSargent House ***
It’s impossible to do anything but applaud the sheer exuberance with which Fang Island approach their instruments. The Rhode Island five-piece (now decamped, like nearly every other set of indie troopers on the planet, to a hipster enclave in Brooklyn) are hellbent on having a good time, and only the sourest of sourpusses will resist going along with them.
But it's more than just a party with these dudes: for all Fang Island's high spirits and gleeful razzmatazz, there are also some fine songs fighting through the balloons and banners.
Life Coachhave nagging guitar riffs, shapely drums and infectious hooks that call you back for more. It's an interesting approach, since some of the frolicking may well repel those who'd be suckers otherwise for the band's swinging ease with melodies. Maybe they can just hug it out?
Download tracks: Daisy, Life Coach