
Visions 4AD ****

Visions 4AD****

The reason why Visionswill be the great leap forward for Montreal's Claire Boucher has nothing to do with grand, sweeping statements about her "post-internet" intentions, and all to do with old-fashionedpop tunes. Many underground acts cloak their ambitions in aesthetic subterfuge for fear of being seen playing to the mainstream gallery, but Boucher's latest album sees her refusing to play that game again. Visionscomes with a parade of deadly wee songs which originate from much the same rhythm'n'bleeps' hinterland as previous records such as Halifaxa, but Boucher has simplified and fine-tuned her approach to ensure each one sticks like glue. Tracks such as Genesis, Oblivionand Circumambienhave a directness and fluidity that work wonders when combined with the singer's airy vocals and giddy playfulness. Best of all, it sounds like it was a fun, unforced record to make.

Download tracks: Genesis, Oblivion, Circumambien