
Boom! Self-released **

Boom! Self-released **

Mark Hogan seems to have a high opinion of himself: if his band's name wasn't a giveaway, the superhero-themed cover art of the Tullamore troupe's debut album confirms it. Egotistical frontman aside, there is much to be admired about Boom!– primarily the glossy production, which gives songs such as Jealousyand New York Citya polished, Americanised feel. Regrettably, that quality is also Hogan's downfall, as it means any trace of originality is wiped from these tunes and replaced by a comparison to various emo-pop acts (The Automatic, Fall Out Boy, Plain White Ts). The singer's affected vocals don't help much, nor do the many interspersed strummed ballads and the often puerile lyrics. As explosive records go, Boom!generates more of a mild shudder than a devastating detonation. See myspace.com/ hoganmark

Download tracks: New York City, Jealousy

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy is a freelance journalist and broadcaster. She writes about music and the arts for The Irish Times