Il Pomo d'oro/Dmitry Sinkovsky (violin)

Vivaldi: Concerti per violion V, 'Per Pisendel' *****

Vivaldi: Concerti per violion V, 'Per Pisendel' *****

Leading German violinist Johann Georg Pisendel (1687- 1755) spent time in Venice, where he became a pupil and friend of Vivaldi. The older man wrote concertos for him, and Pisendel, who was based in Dresden, became an important transmitter of Italian musical style in Germany. This new collection includes seven concertos dedicated to Pisendel or selected by him for performance in Dresden. The music-making of Dmitry Sinkovsky and the Italian period-instruments band Il Pomo d'Oro is gymnastic, with solo contributions that are sometimes like a high-wire act, the whole at times executed as if the bows were trampolining off the strings. In other words, Vivaldi playing that's set on not becoming anyone's aural wallpaper.

Michael Dervan

Michael Dervan

Michael Dervan is a music critic and Irish Times contributor